When and where does the Dodd PTA meet?
The monthly meetings are usually held the on third Wednesday of the month. Meetings are in person in the library or for your convenience, you can attend virtually. Links will be sent through ParentSquare and are publicized on Facebook. We are so excited to get started and now more than ever need your support, involvement and creativity as we seek ways to keep the Dodd community and kids connected.
What is the PTA Reflections program?
The National PTA encourages students to pursue artistic expression through participation in its annual Reflections Program. This program provides opportunities for students to express themselves and to receive positive recognition for their artistic efforts. Students are encouraged to create and submit works of art in six areas: dance choreography, film/video, literature, musical composition, photography, and visual arts (such as drawing, painting, print making, and collage).
What is Stop and Shop A+ School Rewards Program?
Welcome back to a new year of A+ School Rewards! If you are not registered for A+ yet, please go to the Stop and Shop website and sign in to your Stop and Shop account or create one if you don't have an account yet. Once you are in your account, click on your name in the upper right corner, select "Rewards and Programs", and add Dodd (School ID # 06334) as your school for A+ Rewards.
Also, please encourage your family members and friends to support our school. This could result in more CASH REWARDS!
What is the box tops for education program?
Do you shop online? If so, there is an easy way to have your shopping benefit Dodd Middle School through BoxTops4Education. Go to the web site: http://www.boxtops4education.com/, then create an account with a login and password. Select which school you want your purchases to support. Log in. Click on the green “earn” tab and go to “see participating stores”. Click on the store you plan to place your online order with and complete your order without logging out. After about 48 hours, if you check your BoxTops4Education account, you will see the new purchase. The web site takes weeks to actually credit you and the school with the points, but Dodd will receive the credit.
Another option is to do your shopping online and once your shopping cart is ready, instead of paying on the store’s web site, open a second internet page and once again type in http://www.boxtops4education.com. Log in and choose the company you are ordering from. Your entire purchase will show up, ready to be paid for and will be credited to Dodd once you finish. If you complete your purchase this way, you will have to abandon your original shopping cart on the store’s web site and complete the purchase on the BoxTops4Education web site.
What role does the PTA have in the 8th Grade Fundraiser?
Eighth grade students going on the Washington DC trip may choose to participate in an optional fundraiser to help students raise money to defray the costs of the their trip. The 8th grade fundraiser is administered by the PTA, but all the proceeds (fundraising earnings) will be applied directly to the student’s bill for the trip. The PTA does not profit from this fundraiser.
Does the Dodd PTA take donations?
The Dodd PTA is considered an educational nonprofit [section 501(c)(3)] organization by the IRS. Parents may desire to make a tax-deductible donation to our PTA. The Dodd PTA also participates in the United Way Campaign. Parents can designate the Dodd Middle School PTA to receive their United Way contributions. Dodd families whose employers sponsor “donation matching fund” programs may also designate the Dodd Middle School PTA to receive these fund donations. 100% of these donations go directly to the Dodd PTA and are greatly appreciated. Please contact our PTA Treasurer if you would like to make a donation to the Dodd Middle School PTA.